
Color printing post-press surface treatment techniques

Color printing is developing better and better in the domestic market, and the color printing market in foreign countries is also very good! With the development of color printing industry, color printing post-press surface treatment is becoming more and more important in packaging production. The success or failure of the current color printing market competition depends largely on the packaging of the goods, and the quality of the surface treatment of the color printing goods after printing determines the quality of the packaging material market. Therefore, we can say that post-press surface treatment is an important technical means to improve the packaging grade and strengthen the competitiveness of the commodity market.
Common color printing post-press surface treatment technologies are:
1. Other special processing techniques
In recent years, there have been many special post-printing processing technologies for color printing, and the development of printing tools is also faster. Common surface coating (also known as spray glue), surface frosting (also known as sanding, that is, evenly grinding hemp points on the surface of color printing products), embossing, embossing (concave) or referred to as embossing printing tools. All of these new color printing post-press finishing technologies have been seen more in everyday use on high-end packaging in central China. Especially exquisite crafts, cigarette packaging common materials market.
2. Calender
Calender is a modification process after glazing the print, and some direct calender printing technology for high-grade paper products. Because the gloss of the printed matter is not ideal after the natural leveling and drying, some fine printed matter must be calender treatment equipment supplies. The equipment used is calender, and many calender and glazing machines use printing technology.